

Clear off clumpy shoes

When will massive platforms die?! It's been a good few years but it seems a chunky sole is still not out of our system. My choices are greatly limited when selecting a shoe, all preferred styles wield a whopping great platform. I am 5'8" and draw attention to my height when wearing even a mid heel, towering above everyone, I can see all the way down the entire London Overground train. In platformed 'stripper' shoes I cross from sexy and elegant into tranny, or worse, feeling mutton dressed as lamb, even in my 20's. I do understand that an inch between me and the pavement is a welcome respite from the dreaded 'burn', it's been liberating not having to put that floppy Jaffa Cake jelly thing into my shoe. If a bit of padding is the only redeeming factor to a platform then I am ready to move on. Clumpy and unladylike can shove off, here are some shockers that demonstrate my point...